I've been reminded today that it isn't always about the circle you already have but also about the ripples you create in your daily life.
I was talking to a lovely lady at my local Post Office counter, whilst sending off a direct-mail order to a couple of Mums in time for Sunday. As I have more to sell, I was interested to see how much the postage was going to be and how heavy etc the post-ready cards were. I mentioned my interest was because I design and manufacture cards. Her reaction was priceless. She beamed, got a pen and took down my website and social media details. It really made my day and boosted my confidence in self-promotion.
It really got me thinking: How many times have you gushed about a friend's new venture to a third party, but find it hard to sing your own praises? I struggle with this myself. I'm like a professional NFL cheerleader for any friend, but when it comes to name dropping and mentioning my business out of the blue, I cringe with embarrassment!
Who wants to be that person...
Don't get me wrong, when I get to the point where I'm running up to random strangers telling them my business name and how wonderful I am, I have an agreement with Hubby to sit me down and give me a serious talking to. There is, after all, a fine line between confidence and arrogance.
We need to have confidence to speak up for ourselves. To be our own cheerleaders and support ourselves first and foremost. You can't support other people if your own foundation is crumbling, so build yourself up tall and strong so you can do the same for everyone else without sacrificing yourself.
I'm reminded of one of my designs that really fits this situation - Actually, I can.
After all, the only person standing in my way, is me.